Self-Directed Neuroplasticity
The concepts and tools in this section are a modified version of the work of Dr. Rick Hanson, who has done a profoundly amazing job in formulating, compiling, and curating exercises for what he terms as “Self-Directed Neuroplasticity”.
Implicit memory is unconscious, automatic, and more connected with sensory, motor, and emotional processes and memory systems. For everything that you want to cultivate or change in implicit memory in your mind for personal growth, it must be dynamically incorporated into lived experience. This involves either fostering the formation of a new implicit memory, changing an existing implicit memory, or strengthening an existing implicit memory.
This type of self-modifying of neural connections is called self-directed neuroplasticity. So, for anything you are trying to learn, make it as real of an actual experience in the simulated or imagined context or scenario. This is crucial to do for each and every exercise for actual change to occur. It is also essential to do it in a way where you have moderate arousal (not too much, and not too little), and to do it at a slower pace than an actual experience. Going at a slower pace allows for greater understanding and processing of automatic thoughts and feelings that arise that may need to be dealt with along the journey of exploration. Going at a slower pace also helps with learning more effectively and completely allowing you to change your mind for personal growth faster.
For the following steps of Self-Directed Neuroplasticity, perform each step for at least 10 seconds or more when implementing a technique or engaging in an exercise. This is because it takes about 10 seconds to even start to form a little bit of implicit memory. The more time that you stay with it the better, but 10 seconds is essential. Doing it frequently is also necessary in order to slowly develop and grow the neural connections. Just as consistent training in sport is important for an athlete, so is consistent use of the neural pathways to develop more helpful ways of thinking, feeling, believing, and behaving.
It is probably impractical to do all the steps every time, but do as many as you can comfortably do. For an ‘express’ way of fostering some implicit memory and changing your mind for personal growth, you could even just stay with and savour the enjoyable experience for 20 seconds while being aware and present in your body. Don’t worry too much about memorizing the steps below as these will be integrated into each exercise where it is relevant. Just have a read over it to become familiar. You will get lots of experiential practice incorporating these.
Self-Directed Neuroplasticity